String Cheese: Snack? Or Main?

String Chees​e is a funny thing. I dont think it was around when I was a kid... at least my mom never had it in our house. But everywhere I look these days, kids are having string cheese. It's funny because cheese doesn't come in logs like this and we don't typically peel back layers of cheese and eat them with our fingers. And yet you can ask some kids about string cheese (referred to lovingly by many as cheese sticks) and they'll voice opinions loudly about the "striped kind" or the "white kind" or the "splotchy kind." 

Some parents hail it as a calcium-rich, non-sugar snack. Some parents consider it part of the "main dish" as an added protein. Some hate it because some brands have a hefty amount of sodium. Some avoid it entirely because all of the packaging is detrimental to the environment. All very good points, if you ask me. 

My daughter loves cheese in all forms and always has. But when it comes to her lunchbox, she's not sure where string cheese belongs. Is it a main protein? Is it a snack? 

What do you think of string cheese? 
