Got leftovers? Favorite sandwiches that aren't included on our list of menu items? We understand. That's why we've made it easy to add to the default list on LaLa Lunchbox. Best part? They're easy to add and easy to remove too. So when your child decides that she doesn't like sardines anymore, you can delete that photo you added from your personalized list of available options.
Below are some screenshots that clarify how. After clicking the Settings button, indicated below, click the Add Food button. Now you can use your iPhone to take a picture of that awesome meal that will be tomorrow's leftovers OR you can use a photo that's already in your phone's photo library. Simply type in the name of the food and select an appropriate category and that new food item will be there as long as you want. If you want to add a food but don't have access to a picture, you can use the default image – there's one for each category.
First, click the settings button
Next, click the Add Food button